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President al-Assad issues a legislative decree granting one year to delegates who are late to complete their appointment procedures

President al-Assad issues a legislative decree granting one year to delegates who are late to complete their appointment procedures
In view of the need of universities and public authorities for the services and expertise of their delegates, who were late in placing themselves at the dispatching authority’s disposal after obtaining the academic qualification within the period specified in the missions law, and who wish to return to the homeland, President Bashar al-Assad issued Legislative Decree No. 8 of 2022 on settling these cases Delegates who obtained the required academic qualification after March 15, 2011.
Below is the text of the decree:
Legislative Decree No. 8
President of the Republic
According to the provisions of the Constitution
Draw the following:
Article 1– The delegate is granted a period of one year from the date of enforcement of this Legislative Decree in order to complete the procedures for his appointment if he obtained the educational qualification required of him in the decision to dispatch after the date of 15-3-2011 in the following cases:

A: The delegate who did not put himself at disposal during the periods specified by the Law of Scientific Missions.
B: The delegate who was late in obtaining the required academic qualification after exhausting the periods specified in the Scientific Missions Law.
A: The delegate who changed the university or institute in which he studies.

Article 2– The provisions of Paragraph (C) of Article 47 of Legislative Decree No. 6 dated 14-1-2013 shall be applied to the delegate covered by the provisions of Article 1 of this Legislative Decree.

Article 3– The executive instructions for the provisions of this legislative decree are issued by a decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Article 4– This Legislative Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be effective from the date of its issuance.

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