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دليل المعاملات الشامل

Evidence for the referral of the approval of holding artistic parties (weddings) to the concerned authorities

Service progression mechanism:
1. Request from the Public Service Center (one-stop shop)
2. The form for the request to approve the holding of the artistic ceremony (engagement – wedding -..) is prepared and signed by the director of the Public Services Center with authorization and referred to each of the Artists Syndicate (to pay the fees) and the Political Security branch for approval
Documents required to obtain the service and Approved forms and forms. . .. .. . .. . .

Fuel insurance service treatment guide for the private sector (fuel oil)

Service progression mechanism:
1. A request from the Public Service Center (single window) with all identification papers
2. Referred to a member of the Executive Office of the Trade Sector
3. He shall refer it to the Fuel Assessment Committee for inspection and preparation of the necessary report
4. It shall be returned to the member of the Executive Office of the Trade Sector to prepare the necessary memorandum and the proposed draft book with the indication of the Deputy Head of the Executive Office
5. The Governor to direct and sign the draft book in case of approval
6. Public Service Center (single window) / for payment /
7. Homs Fuel Company to take the necessary action
Documents required to obtain the service and Approved forms and forms . . . . .

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